Rooted in a holistic approach towards health and wellness, we customize treatment plans based on scientifically proven or empirically established medical approaches.


Individual balancing of Micronutrients / IV Drips

A balanced supply of micronutrients is a basic prerequisite for health and plays a decisive role in the therapy of various diseases and in building up the immune system. Read more

We offer individualized orthomolecular infusion therapies with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and homeopathics.

Restoration of the mikrobiom
and intestinal health

Bad eating habits, stress, antibiotic intake and environmental toxins often lead to an altered intestinal flora. Read more

The consequences of this can manifest themselves in various clinical scenarios. Diseases associated with the intestines are, for example, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, migraine, skin and mucous membrane diseases, food intolerances, allergies, frequent infections and chronic fatigue. A comprehensive analysis of the intestinal flora as well as testing for parasitic and fungal infections can clearly show possible imbalances or inflammatory reactions in the intestines. Individualised nutritional recommendations in combination with targeted therapies to regulate the intestinal flora leads to the restoration of a healthy and self-regulatory diversity in the intestine.

Mitochondrial Medicine

Many health disorders are based on an energetic problem within the so-called mitochondria. Read more

Mitochondria function as an energy power plant within our cells and are responsible for the cell respiration and the genetic material.

The formation of energy in the mitochondria and other functions in the cellular metabolism always produces free radicals, whose destructive work in a healthy organism is kept under control by an adequate supply of nutrients and antioxidants. If this system collapses for various reasons, the result is further energy deficiency, weakening of the immune system, disturbed enzyme functions and often even a disturbed hormonal balance.

For this reason, many chronic symptoms and diseases are associated with disorders of the mitochondria:

  • A multitude of chronic symptoms and civilization diseases (e.g. allergies, immune deficiency and chronic infections, ADHD, Parkinson's disease, obesity, multi-organ diseases, autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, and many more)
  • Post Covid / Long Covid
  • Increased cell division / cell degeneration / cell death
  • Neurovegetative complaints (including inner restlessness, nervousness, cardiac arrhythmia, depressive mood)
  • Decline in performance, reduced concentration and stamina
  • Reduced general condition / chronic fatigue
  • Premature signs of aging (increased cell aging)

Mitochondrial damage is usually acquired through a variety of negative environmental factors (viral loads, psychological and physical stress, free radicals / nitrostress, malnutrition, intestinal diseases, deficiency of vital micronutrients, chronic inflammation, medications, and many more).

Already damaged mitochondria are irreparable, promote chronic inflammatory processes and also consume more important micronutrients. It is for these reasons that they should be eliminated from the system. In our practice, multiple treatment modalities are combined to improve mitochondrial function. Through highly individualized micronutrient infusions, altitude training (IHHT) or therapeutic fasting we promote not only the efficiency of healthy mitochondria but also the breakdown of those that are no longer functional.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

The human hormone system is extremely sophisticated and necessary for the functioning of virtually all cellular functions. Read more

In the human body, hormones are produced in glands. These can be damaged by a wide variety of causes, resulting in a reduction or even cessation of the body's own hormone production.

If there is a hormone deficiency, numerous health disorders can develop: osteoporosis, hot flashes, sleep disorders, infertility, obesity, depression, reduced mental performance, hormone-dependent cancer diseases as well as cardiovascular diseases. The principle of bioidentical hormone replacement is based on the principle of replacing depleting hormones with body-identical ones. These human-identical hormones are first of all of plant origin; they are produced, for example, from the diosgenin of the yam root. This active ingredient can be further processed into the human hormones such as progesterone and estradiol and then represents a "1:1 copy" of the hormones that the body once produced itself.

An analysis from the blood, saliva or 24-hour urine provides information about the patient's individual situation and possible deficiency. This way, the hormone replacement can be carried out in a individual and monitored manner.

Altitude training

Altitude training - or intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (Mitovit) - activates and promotes the regeneration of mitochondria - the power plants of cellular metabolism - and thus acts to increase mental and physical conductivity. Read more

It also stimulates the immune system. In addition to a general increase in performance, altitude training is particularly effective for regeneration after severe infections and exhaustion syndromes. Currently, its effects are being studied in cooperation with the Charité.

The scientifically proven effects are:

  • Increase of ATP (energy supplier of the body cells)
  • Protection against oxidative stress through stimulation of Q10 formation
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Increase of physical and mental performance
  • Improvement of stress resistance
  • Support of weight loss by activating the fat metabolism

During this therapy you sit or lie relaxed for about 40 min. with an oxygen mask. Therapeutic effect is usually reached after 10 sessions (1-2 times a week).

Complementary cancer therapies

Integrative Oncology combines conventional cancer therapy with evidence-based complementary therapies. Read more

The main goal of Integrative Oncology is to reduce the side effects of oncological treatments and improve the patient's quality of life. In addition, the patient should be empowered to cope with cancer and develop sustainable and individualized strategies to strengthen their physical and mental fitness and enable healthy lifestyle changes.

Cancer generally presupposes a failure of the patient's own regulatory systems. Biological cancer therapy is therefore completely focused on the restoration of these systems and looks at each sick person for the individual causes of the disease.

In biological cancer therapy, within the framework of a complex treatment protocol (including orthomolecular medicine, e.g intravenous high dosed vitamin C therapy, mistletoe therapy, hyperthermia, neural therapy, as well as targeted fasting and nutritional programs) the restoration of the immune system is aimed at relieving the individual body regulatory systems.

The cooperation of the patient is extremely helpful in this process through a change of lifestyle and a changed view of one's own life pattern.

Drainage / Detoxing procedures

Draining procedures are an essential part of the naturopathic spectrum. In order to strengthen or often restore the different regulatory systems it is necessary to increase the detoxification of body toxins. Read more

Among the draining procedures that we specifically implement in our practice are:

Orthomolecular infusion therapy With micronutrients such as glutathione, vitamin C, alpha-lipoic acid, zinc and selenium, as well as appropriate homeopathic remedies tailored to individual needs.

Chelation therapy Chelation therapy is an infusion therapy for the elimination of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead with a so-called chelate (DMPS or EDTA). As a rule, a series of at least 10 infusions is necessary for the therapy to be successful.

Cupping therapy In cupping therapy, several cupping glasses are usually placed on the body and a negative pressure is created through them. This provides blood flow to the tissues and stimulates the lymphatic flow - blockages can be loosened and pain relieved. In addition, cupping is one of the drainage procedures whose goal is to remove harmful substances from the body.

Bloodletting During bloodletting, blood is drawn from a vein in the body. The amount of blood taken depends on the patient's condition. The loss of blood during phlebotomy results in a strong stimulation of blood formation afterwards. The body produces more new erythrocytes (red blood cells) in its bone marrow. There is, so to speak, a rejuvenation of the blood and thus better flow properties within it. Possible indications: iron overload in the body, high blood pressure, headache, migraine, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, increased blood lipids, circulatory disorders.

Ozone-Oxygen Therapy

The combination of oxygen (O2) and the particularly energy-rich ozone (O3) has an inhibitory effect on pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and has an anti-inflammatory, circulation-enhancing and pain-relieving effect on the body. Read more

The long-term effects include improved oxygen supply to the tissues and stimulation of energy production in the body's own power plants (the mitochondria). The effect on the immune system is explained by an increased release of cytokines (messenger substances of the immune system). Via the ozone-induced, short-term oxidative stress, a “training” is induced and thus an adaptation of the body's own antioxidant protection systems.

Fields of application:

  • Allergies

  • Circulatory tinnitus, hearing loss, macular degeneration

  • Exhaustion and chronic fatigue

  • Viral infections

  • Articular rheumatism

  • Susceptibility to infections

  • Chronic infections (e.g. sinusitis)

  • Migraine and chronic headaches

  • Treatment of diabetes and hypertension related secondary diseases

  • Intravenous oxygen therapy

Pure intravenous oxygen therapy is used, for, among other things, various forms of circulatory disorders, tinnitus, macular degeneration, as well as inflammatory diseases and skin diseases such as neurodermatitis.

Medical oxygen is injected intravenously, slowly, precisely dosed (1-2ml/min) and in small quantities (10-50ml) into the vein over several sessions (10-20 sessions).

Oxyvenation therapy produces endogenous substances (prostaglandins) that have anti-inflammatory and also vasodilatory effects. Oxyvenation therapy particularly favors the opening of the small capillary vessels and thus directly contributes to an improved blood circulation.

Both forms of oxygen therapy are well tolerated, and one session lasts about 20-30 minutes. These therapies are often combined with our infusion therapies.

Nutritional counseling

Wrong nutrition is the cause of a large number of civilization diseases. Read more

In today's world, despite an abundance of food, we are often malnourished. Often our diet is not nutritious and in the worst case loaded with toxins (e.g. heavy metals). A healthy and type-appropriate diet is the basis of all good health. Consequently, many of our therapies are complemented by targeted nutritional counseling. On one hand, we offer nutritional therapies for patients who already suffer from a nutrition-related disease. On the other hand, we offer preventive nutritional consultations with the aim of avoiding nutrition-related diseases, regulating weight and developing a more vital and powerful Physique. If necessary, we can also provide support through analysis-based balancing of micronutrients and targeted intestinal rehabilitation. Our therapists work out an individualised nutrition plan together with you and stand by your side as partners. Your active participation is crucial for a successful outcome.

Risk factor control

Most contemporary diseases  are not only genetically determined, but are also caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Read more

We analyze your personal risk profile, guide you by means of health counseling, if needed, with targeted medication to minimize your risk profile and, with your help, shift the dynamic of the disease back towards health.

Common health risk factors:

  • High blood pressure

  • Elevated cholesterol levels

  • Blood sugar disorders

  • Obesity

  • Smoking addiction

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Chronic stress

  • Sleep deprivation


Treatment with medicinal plant extracts (phytopharmaceuticals) is one of the main pillars of naturopathy and is among the oldest medical existing therapies. Read more

Today, many medicinal plants have a firm position in scientific medicine and are used for a wide range of ailments. The spectrum ranges from heart diseases, skin diseases, kidney and bladder complaints, rheumatism and other joint complaints, menopausal complaints, metabolic disorders, pain, depression, circulatory disorders, infections, prostate enlargement, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders and stress. Here, phytotherapy has a regulatory effect and intervenes in the disease symptomatology in various ways.

We use phytotherapy specifically in replacement and in combination with chemical medicines.

Neural therapy

Neural therapy is a form of regulatory medicine. By injecting local anesthetics in various parts of the body (into the skin, under the skin, to a blood vessel, and as a so-called infiltration treatment to nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments), the disturbed autoregulation of the organism is improved. Read more

One basic principle of neural therapy is that pain is often accompanied by cramps in the muscles and vessels. This impedes the supply of blood, micronutrients and oxygen, as well as the removal of metabolic waste products in the affected areas resulting in regulatory disturbances that can lead to various symptoms of a disease far beyond the local area of pain.
Neural therapy is also used in the form of infusion neural therapy (reset therapy) by administering intravenous procaine base infusion


According to Asian understanding, the human being is flowed through by the life energy Qi. Read more

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the life energy Qi flows through the body in the guiding pathways, the so-called meridians, and is accessible at more than 700 points just under the surface of the skin. About 400 of these are used as acupuncture points.

According to this ancient teaching, a person is healthy when the energy flows harmoniously. However, if the flow of Qi is disturbed, for example by cold, heat, wrong nutrition or psychological factors, then illness and pain can occur. Acupuncture aims at removing these blockages of the Qi flow.

Medicinal leech therapy (Hirudotherapy)

Studies increasingly show that leech therapy can be a very effective therapy for chronic pain syndromes. Read more

According to current scientific data, the following indications are particularly suitable for leech therapy:

  • Osteoarthritis pain (especially knee osteoarthritis, hand osteoarthritis, thumb metacarpophalangeal joint osteoarthritis, shoulder joint osteoarthritis and ankle joint osteoarthritis)

  • Tendon and soft tissue pain and inflammation (e.g. tennis elbow, shoulder girdle pain syndromes)

  • Chronic back pain

  • Chronic pain syndromes due to venous congestion (varicose veins)

  • Pain syndromes due to shingles

The positive effects after only a single application can last from several weeks to months and sometimes even longer than a year. This therapy has significant advantages over other procedures, all of which need to be repeated regularly. Furthermore, the leech's pain-relieving effect is far reaching.

What happens during leech therapy?

First, a preliminary medical consultation takes place.

For the treatment itself, several medical leeches are applied to the concerned body part until they bite; the bite of the leech is similar to that of an insect. Depending on the leech, it sucks on one location for 45 - 90 minutes and at the same time releases its effective saliva (pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory) into the tissue. The leech falls off by itself and the bite site can bleed for about 8 to 12 hours. Therefore, an absorbent dressing is applied after the therapy. The desired effect often occurs immediately after treatment and often lasts for months.

After the treatment, the medical leeches are not killed but returned to the "retirement pond" of the leech breeding farm.

Magnetic field therapy (Bemer)

Magnetic field therapy by BEMER leads to an improvement of blood circulation in the smallest blood vessels (microcirculation) of the body.
Read more

An improved absorption of oxygen, nutrients and vital substances into the cells promotes cell regeneration and cell metabolism, which is the basis of many healing processes. The effects of this physical vascular therapy has been scientifically proven and is also used in e.g. NASA's space suits.

In certain indications we use this therapy as an effective co-therapy to our infusion therapies. Magnetic field therapy is commonly used in:

  • Chronic pain

  • Promotion of wound and bone healing

  • Inflammatory rheumatic processes

  • Osteoporosis

  • Chronic osteoarthritis

  • Strengthening of the immune system

  • Circulatory disorders (e.g. hearing loss)

  • Regeneration after mental and physical stress

  • Muscle tension

  • Tension headache and migraine

  • Difficulty falling asleep