You can do something good for your health at any time. In your urban setting, we assist you with specialized treatment packages for holistic health prevention. In addition, cleansing and purifying procedures as well as a change of lifestyle and nutritional habits are a fundamental chance for the healing of many diseases.


Our cures are a proper commitment. They require time, dedication and willingness in dealing with yourself and your own health. All cures are carefully designed by us and are personally tailored to fit you, and adjusted to your state of health. In addition to the comprehensive care in our practice, our cures should also offer a chance to break everyday habits. Through an accompanying framework program, we would like to encourage you to integrate new health-promoting resources and routines into your life.

If you need assistance in selecting the appropriate cure, please feel free to schedule a consultation. REQUEST


Therapeutic fasting

Fasting is much more then just doing without

According to solid scientific evidence, fasting leads to the regeneration of various metabolic systems in the body: the cells regenerate and rejuvenate, the intestinal mucosa and all microorganisms in the digestive tract (the microbiome) recover and improve. Read more

Fasting is a very effective preventive therapy to maintain health and prevent diseases. On the other hand, it can also have a positive therapeutic effect on diseases (such as rheumatic diseases, diabetes mellitus, fatty liver, gastrointestinal diseases, depression, high blood pressure, allergies, skin diseases).

Fasting is also a valuable mental exercise and a time for letting go – body and spirit go through a kind of "reset". It can be an effective introduction to new lifestyle habits or completed before initiating targeted therapies. We also implement short-term fasting – depending on the patient’s constitution – as an complemt during chemotherapy.

It is recommended to fast for at least 5 days and, depending on your constitution, no longer than 21 days.

Our fasting program can be supplemented with a variety of effective accompanying components, depending on your ailments and pre-existing conditions. A final nutritional counseling takes place, with individualized nutritional planning, vital blood analysis using a dark field microscope, liver wraps, osteopathy of the digestive organs, colon hydrotherapy if necessary, acupuncture and medical hypnotherapy.

*Since fasting cures in everyday routine are not easy to implement for everyone, we recommend as a special alternative a therapeutic fasting with our dear colleagues at the Tannerhof in Bayrischzell.

Upbuilding of the Intestinal Flora

Relieve your digestion

This cure focuses on the care of the intestines and the relief of all digestive organs. This program is designed to lay the foundation for new intestinal health. Read more

Whether we remain healthy or become ill depends to a large extent on the condition of the bacteria, the so-called microbiom in the intestine. Because the intestine - with its huge contact surface - is the decisive place of exchange with the outside world, the place where the immune system is significantly shaped. We also know today that the bacterial world in the intestine has a decisive influence on the development of many other diseases such as auto-immune diseases, allergies, depression, cancer, arteriosclerosis and neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Naturally, the type of food we eat determines the health and diversity of our microbiota, but a stressful lifestyle, antibiotics and other environmental stresses can also severely disrupt the intestinal system and lead to the development of chronic diseases in the long term.

Accordingly, intestinal rehabilitation is often the most important starting point of a targeted holistic treatment strategy.

Our programm would like to encourage you to engage with this cure as a chance and first step into stable intestinal health. Depending on your condition and previous illnesses, we will be happy to advise you also on accompanying therapies.

Deep Detox

Cleanse and free your body

Humans are constantly confronted with environmental toxins - from mercury pollution in amalgam fillings, pesticides on fruits and vegetables, heavy metals such as arsenic in fish and rice, toxic chemical elements such as solvents from paints and varnishes and plasticizers in plastic bottles, to medications, or exhaust fumes from industry and traffic. Read more

While our liver, kidneys, intestines and lymphatic system play an important role in eliminating biologically harmful compounds, our bodies are not designed to cope with the growing number of toxins we unknowingly come into contact with every day. When the body has absorbed more toxins than it can handle, detoxification systems can easily become overloaded. In the long run, this can lead to brain and nerve damage, autoimmune diseases and allergies, as well as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and cancer, among many other health problems.
The highly complex, finely regulated system of metabolic and elimination organs can be weakened in this process not only due to chronic stress, but also due to nutrient deficiencies and negative life circumstances, which can affect detoxification performance and capacity.

Our program aims at deep cleansing and detoxification of the body. The natural processes of eliminating harmful metabolites and toxins are boosted, damaged tissues are stimulated to heal, the intestinal flora is strengthened, the liver is unburdened and hormonal balance is restored.


Strengthening your defences - sustainable fitness and health

The immune system is the protective shield of the human body and is responsible for fighting diseases, infections and pathogens. Read more

However, many factors can permanently weaken the immune system and promote diseases such as auto-immune diseases, allergies, chronic recurrent infections, fatigue syndromes and cancers, among others. In addition to factors such as stress, lack of sleep and psychological overload, medical treatments such as long-term cortisone therapy, antibiotic treatments or chemotherapy can also negatively affect the immune system.

Our rebuilding program pursues the goal of activating the body's natural regulatory powers, recognizing stressful factors of the immune system and treating them accordingly, compensating for possible deficiencies of important nutrients and vital substances in a targeted manner, or even initiating purely prophylactic therapy to strengthen the immune system.

Depending on your constitution, everyday stress and susceptibility to infections we combine a wide range of effective therapies.

Regeneration and performance enhancement

Live your life with energy

Whether for regeneration after prolonged illnesses or in order to achieve maximum performance in everyday life and sports, the basic prerequisite for body and mind to work well is a sufficient energy supply. Read more

Short-term energy deficits can usually be compensated for by the body, but long-term stress or illness can lead to physical and mental exhaustion over time.

Through this program you can find back to your energetic output level after serious illnesses or prolonged stress or specifically increase your energy for the demands of everyday life.

Through an extensive preliminary consultation and targeted diagnostics, we work out possible weak points. The optimization of the energy metabolism, the compensation of micronutrient deficits and accompanying therapies within Mind-Body medicine are the core of this cure.


stay 50 for 30 years

Even if the millennia-old longing for eternal life remains (and probably should remain) a vision for the time being, and the totality of the aging process is not yet fully understood, some factors of the biological process of aging have been deciphered, especially in recent years. Read more

It is well known that glycolization processes (hyperglycemia), toxin depots in excess fatty tissue, excess of free radicals and deficiency of trace elements, vitamins and minerals, as well as stress and lack of exercise promote accelerated aging. Furthermore, in addition to the known harmful external influences and behaviors, more and more findings from genetics are coming to the fore. Although a certain part of the aging process is already determined in the human genome, it is primarily the switch points of genetic expression, the so-called epigenetic factors, that are decisive for the aging process. These can be influenced and the development of aging and disease can be targeted.

Many conclusions from the young longevity research have for long been cornerstones of holistic naturopathic empirical medicine.

Certain epigenetics terms such as autophagy, sirtuins, nadh, and mTor have become buzzwords of the longevity movement and anti-aging medicine. During the Longevity program, you will learn how they ideally interrelate with holistic biological medicine and what therapeutic options and lifestyle modifications you can make to live a long and healthy life.

Our Longevity program is designed to provide you with a framework and help you discard unhealthy habits and replace them with health-promoting ones by establishing and reviewing your routines. The program and the accompanying therapy program will be individually tailored to your needs, as well as according to comprehensive blood tests and the determination of your biological age (Cerascreen test of the Fraunhofer Institute).