We want you to understand our billing and prices. Before beginning therapy, we will be happy to discuss the expected costs of treatment with you.

We bill according to the German Gebührenordung für Arzte (GoÄ). Private health insurance companies usually cover the majority of our bills, but this depends on insurance conditions and health insurance benefits. Costs that are not covered by private health insurances have to be paid by the patient. Unfortunately, it is not possible to bill the statutory health insurance companies. People with statutory health insurance also receive an invoice according to GoÄ (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte), which you have to pay privately (self-payer). 

Upon request, we will be happy to send you an overview of the costs of our services.


The laboratory tests are invoiced directly by the respective laboratory, for which you will receive a separate invoice from the laboratory. Generally, laboratory diagnostics are also covered for the most part by private health insurance companies.