We see ourselves as integrative bridge builders between the different medical competences: Conventional orthodox medicine on the one hand and classical naturopathy as well as micronutrient and nutritional therapy on the other. With the combination of our medical expertise, we offer comprehensive and modern health care.


Alessa Beckers, M.D.

For Alessa Beckers, university-based conventional medicine and complementary medicine have always been an optimally entity. Read more

Her 10-year career in internal medicine and intensive care medicine at the Berlin Charité and the Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch was constantly accompanied by extensive training in complementary medicine to understand the holistic approach to disease and health. Already as a student she graduated in acupuncture and micronutrient medicine, later followed trainings in neural therapy, classical naturopathy (Charité / Immanuel Hospital, Prof. Michalsen) and functional medicine. At the health resort Tannerhof in Bayrischzell, she experienced as a practice representative how healing nutritional cures and therapeutic fasting can work even in chronic diseases.

During her clinical work, she increasingly specialized in state-of-the-art "check-up medicine", as the basis of healthy aging. In this field she was, among other things, the medical director of the HELIOS Prevention Center Berlin.

She experienced the significance that faith and spirituality can have on health and illness during a one-year development project at the university hospital in Thimphu, Bhutan, in which she was in charge of the hospital's intensive care unit. Inspired by this, further training in meditation-based therapies and mind-body medicine followed.

Alessa Beckers knows the respective strengths and weaknesses of the medical worldviews and would like to combine them to an individually best medicine for the individual patient. In doing so, scientific as well as experiential medical approaches come together in an undogmatic way.


  • Specialist for internal medicine
  • Preventive medicine specialist (DAPM)
  • Clinical focus on ultrasound diagnostics, naturopathic medicine, fasting cures, nutritional and micronutrient medicine
  • Diploma orthomolecular medicine (ZAEN)
  • Diploma in Acupuncture (DÄGfA)
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (Center for Mindfulness University Oxford)
  • Functional Medicine (Institute for functional Medicine)

Other medical activities

  • Tutor Echo Academy German Heart Center Berlin
  • Practice substitution at the health resort Tannerhof, Bayrischzell

Felix Bethge van Dinther, M.D.

Felix Bethge van Dinther's goal is to link traditional Western and complementary medicine and use his many years of clinical experience in holistic and natural medicine to navigate through the many possible therapy options together with patients. Read more

After studying at the Medical University of Hannover, he worked at the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, pioneers of biological medicine in Europe. There, Bethge van Dinther accompanied patients through all stages of their healthcare, from prevention to intensive treatment to follow-up care.

Bethge van Dinther has conducted research in the effectiveness of therapies for cancer that complement the Western medical approach at the Charité in Berlin. He wrote his dissertation on the use of breathing therapy, autogenic training, and health training for breast cancer patients. Bethge van Dinther specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of autoimmune diseases at the Immanuel Hospital in Wannsee, the natural medicine clinic of the Charité (Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen). He established an outpatient clinic for accompanying oncology there. Before founding the Beckers and Bethge practice together with Dr. Alessa Beckers, he worked for several years in a holistic outpatient private practice in Hannover. The focus of his applied practice was preventive and holistic comprehensive care, therapy planning, and long-term accompaniment in the process of staying and becoming healthy. The center of his medical practice is the conversation with patients. Previous diagnoses are discussed and considered without any time-pressure in order to use the diversity of the different schools positively in the next step and to offer suitable therapies together with the interdisciplinary practice team.


  • Doctor of holistic and functional medicine
  • Micronutrient medicine
  • Neural therapy
  • Fasting and nutrition counseling
  • Ayurvedic medicine
  • Vital blood analysis using a dark field microscope

Treatment spectrum

  • Burn-out
  • Immune system support
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Health prevention
  • Holistic accompanying oncology
  • Long and post COVID
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Unexplained physical discomfort
  • Hormonal Dysbalances
  • Bioidentical hormone therapy

Eike Ahrens

In respectful collaboration with his patients, Eike Ahrens analyzes postural and movement patterns, traces deep patterns of tension in the musculoskeletal system and applies techniques from Rolfing®️ and visceral osteopathy to help the body on its way to balance. Read more

Life's experiences draw the human body. It stores physical, mental and emotional tensions, traumas and stress. The consequences of accidents, operations and diseases often fundamentally irritate the human organism and complicate homeostasis. "Writing" the way back to balance is a trusting and experiential process that can be initiated through trained therapeutic work. Since 2016 he has been running his own practice for Rolfing®️ Structural Integration in Munich. As a translator and later as an assistant he gets to know Jean-Pierre Barral (D.O.) and his visceral osteopathy. The leaders of the Munich group - Dr. Peter Schwind and Christoph Sommer - become his mentors. For more than five years he supervises all courses of the interdisciplinary training group: among others René Zweedijk (D.O. BSc (Hon) Ost Med - Osteopathy for Children), Maria Laura Gentilini (D.O. Visceral Manipulation of the Organs of the Pelvis/urogenital), Bruno Donatini (Dr. med. D.O. - Biofilm: correlations of metabolic diseases and manual therapy). Through constant dialogue and exchange with his teachers and the various course participants, he can draw on an extensive network to provide the best possible care to his patients. Since 2018 he is a certified naturopath and since 2019 he has been a partner in the practice of his mentor Christoph Sommer. There he accompanies patients with the consequences of operations in the abdominal and thoracic area as well as on the spine, with acute sports injuries or chronic complaints of the postural apparatus. Eike Ahrens just recently moved back to Berlin for love and the challenge of combining the advantages of classical orthodox medicine, naturopathy and manual therapy under one roof in a creative and ambitious team. Qualifications

  • Certified Advanced Rolfer®️
  • Heilpraktiker
  • Visceral Osteopathy/J.P. Barral
  • Actor
  • Intensive Training Gaga
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Vipassana Meditation

Anne Becher M.D.

Anne Becher verfügt über jahrelange schulmedizinische Erfahrung in der neurologischen Klinik der Charité sowie in einer Tagesklinik für Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie. Ihre Promotion erfolgte auf dem Gebiet der Immunologie am Robert-Koch-Institut. Read more

Geleitet vom Wunsch nach einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung des Menschen, absolvierte sie seit 2007 umfangreiche Ausbildungen im Bereich der chinesischen Medizin (Akupunktur, Phytotherapie, Ernährungslehre) sowie der Hypnosetherapie. Sie ist von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hypnose (DGH) zertifizierte Hypnotherapeutin. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit liegt in der Verbindung von Akupunktur und Hypnose (Hypnoakupunktur), durch die sowohl körperliche als auch seelische Ebenen in idealer Weise angesprochen werden können. Verschiedene komplementärmedizinischer Methoden setzt sie als wirkungsvolle Ergänzung von wissenschaftlich fundierter Diagnostik und Therapie ein.

Im Mittelpunkt steht für sie der Mensch in allen seinen Dimensionen. Ziel ihrer therapeutischen Tätigkeit ist es, jeden Menschen auf seinem individuellen Weg zur Heilung und Gesunderhaltung bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Sie ist überzeugt vom enormen Potential der Selbstheilungskräfte jedes Menschen – ein sehr erfolgreiches Vorgehen, das nicht nur im täglichen Praxisalltag deutlich zu erfahren ist, sondern auch durch eine Vielzahl von wissenschaftlichen Studien bestätigt wurde.


  • Akupunktur im Rahmen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin (DÄGfA, Deutsche Akupunkturgesellschaft, Shou Zhong)

  • Phytotherapie (Shou Zhong)

  • YNSA Schädelakupunktur (Dr. Yamamoto)

  • Medizinische Hypnose (DGH), Hypnoakupunktur

  • Entspannungsverfahren, Meditations- und Atemübungen

  • Weiterbildung als Assistenzärztin in der Neurologie (Charité)

Our specialised staff

Inga Knaub

is a nurse and specialized for naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine, a medically certified fasting instructor as well as a specialist for medical wraps and compresses. Read more

Inga Knaub came into contact with naturopathic measures as a child, for example in the form of cupping glasses and mustard flour compresses. After graduating as a nurse and further training as a nurse specialist in naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine, she worked for eight years in the Department of Naturopathy at Immanuel Hospital Wannsee, where she mainly accompanied patients during fasting therapy. In 2012/2013 she completed six months of further training to become a specialist in wraps and compresses, and in 2019 she completed her further training to become a medically certified fasting instructor.

Inga Knaub is interested in helping patients to help themselves and to involve them in the healing process on their own responsibility. Before she became part of our Team she worked for many years at the Charité clinic for naturopathy (Prof. Michalsen) and at the Havelhöhe Community Hospital - Clinic for Anthroposophic Medicine.

Kristin Schöppe

is a registered nurse and worked at the Burg/Spreewald Rehab Center for 7½ years before joining us. Read more

There she cared for patients with cardiological and neurological diseases and accompanied them until their return to everyday life. It has always been important to her to contribute to the support of her fellow human beings and to actively participate in the healing process.

Kristin has always felt a strong connection to nature. Together with her mother, she regularly roamed through the local Spreewald and thus learned how valuable it is to be in harmony with it. Through this, she also developed her interest in naturopathy. With great pleasure she experiments with self-prepared herbal extracts, oxymels or also in the field of natural cosmetics. In addition, she will complete a six-month training in phytotherapy in 2022, in order to be able to benefit holistically from the diversity of plants.


  • Phytotherapy in training
  • Further training as a practical instructor for trainees
  • Examination health- and nurse
  • Office administrator

Celine Zipf

has gained a lot of experience in the field of naturopathic and integrative medicine over the last years. Read more

She worked for several years in a holistic, naturopathic general practice in Munich (Grünwald). After moving to Berlin in 2014, she also had the opportunity to work for several years in a general practice with a focus on complementary medicine where she worked with a focus on infusion therapies, intestinal rehabilitation/restoration, mitochondrial therapy, extensive blood diagnostics, nutritional therapy with dietary changes and bioresonance therapy.

In her private life, Celine also tries to integrate the holistic, naturopathic approach into many areas of her life. She relies on a healthy and natural diet and the "good old" home remedies. Celine trusts the energies of nature and the self-healing powers of her own body. Due to the various professional stations, Celine brings a wide range of knowledge for the medical practice and is happy to accompany our patients on their way.


  • Medical assistant (MFA)
  • Medical technical laboratory assistant (MTLA)
  • Clerk for benefit accounting (Allianz, private health insurance)
  • Certified consultant for intestinal health, in further training (Allergosan)

We want our patients to feel nourished. Our practice is a place of peace and tranquility, to regenerate and gather strength.